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Saturday, January 14, 2023

assault someone

assault someone

Assault Someone - It turns out that a simple attack in Texas isn't so simple. When one hears the term "simple fight," one might think of TV barroom brawl scenarios, but it's more complicated than that.

The reality of a simple assault in Texas is that it can involve many different scenarios involving many people and many acts.

Assault Someone

Assault Someone

Here are the laws related to it. Here's what you can do to defend yourself if you're charged with simple assault, including the penalties associated with it.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Assault in Texas is not limited to physical aggression. In fact, Texas law is reckless; knowing or defined as the intentional commission of:

As you can see, The above types of actions are more than just attacking or punching someone. punching someone in the chest; threatening Or actions such as pushing someone can be charged with simple assault.

The key to a simple assault charge is that the act was intentional; It must be reckless or knowing. So accidentally touching someone isn't grounds for a simple assault, but threatening them and accidentally touching them might be.

In some cases the normal attack can be enhanced. A good example is if a person is hit and needs to go to the hospital for a broken bone or other bodily injury. Normal attack charges can then be increased.

Sexual Assault Vs Sexual Harassment: What's The Difference?

The use of a deadly weapon in the commission of the crime of assault may also constitute aggravated assault.

Texas has several different penalties for simple assault charges. It depends on the factors related to the individual situation.

Use of a weapon unless there are aggravating factors; A simple attack is Class C; Charges can be filed as a Class B or Class A felony. A conviction on those charges carries a fine of $500 to $4,000 and six months to a year in prison.

Assault Someone

If you have a prior conviction for an offense; If you commit an offense against a protected class or assault a domestic or family member; Simple assault charges can be upgraded to aggravated assault charges.

Varying Degrees Of Assault In The Uk

The penalties may seem trivial, but it's not that simple. After being charged with physical assault. The defendant is in other cases such as;

If you have a skilled and experienced attorney; You can use several defenses to overcome a simple attack on the court. Some of the most common defenses to simple attacks are:

After receiving his Juris Doctor from the University of Houston Law Center, Jeff Hampton began practicing criminal law in Texas in 2005. Before becoming a defense attorney, He worked as a prosecutor in the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office. Doubts About Evidence Used Against His Clients Throughout his career, he has helped countless Texans defend their rights and obtain the best results in their criminal cases. know how, National Trial Lawyers; He has been named one of the top 3 DUI attorneys in Fort Worth by Avvo and others and has received a top consultant rating. Where a young couple is in love, the female character gets bored of the conversation or the guy says something she doesn't like and slaps her in the face. People are surprised to hear that slapping someone isn't actually illegal, as it's all too common, especially in romantic comedies. The answer to the question of whether slapping someone is assault is simple. The long answer will be discussed in the next article.

The first part of answering the question of why someone is considered aggressive is defining aggression. Definitions of assault vary, but are generally understood as the act of causing injury to another person. The act of physically harming someone is definitely an offense; But even the threat or attempt to physically harm them is torture.

Sexual Assault & Rape Statistics

There are different types of attacks. The first is verbal aggression, which is physical intimidation without actually touching the person. Another type of assault is sexual assault. Any sexual assault that occurs without the consent of the victim. Then there are simple assaults and serious assaults. Simple assault is when someone is injured by a physical attack or the fear of such an attack. A strong attack is a sword; It is the most serious assault because it involves physically harming the victim with a weapon such as a gun or a bat.

So now that assault is defined and understood, the question of whether hitting someone is an offense can be resolved. Hitting someone involves the physical contact of touching another person's face or other body part with a hand. Physical contact itself is assault, but if the blow involves force. This is definitely considered an attack. If the victim is afraid of being slapped, it may be considered assault depending on the circumstances.

The severity of the charge may vary depending on the circumstances in which the charge occurred. As mentioned above, Sometimes threatening to hit someone can also be considered a crime. Participants also pay part of the payment method. If the plaintiff and the defendant are in a relationship, the case may become domestic violence. The number of these behaviors can affect the conviction and sentence in the case.

Assault Someone

Also, if the slapper is a child and the aggressor is an adult, the case is definitely child abuse. The only way a slap is not considered aggressive is in self-defense or in defense of another person. Another way to avoid being considered assault in the event of an accident. So one person accidentally bumped into another person.

What Are Indecent Assault Charges In Texas?

Being charged with assault or domestic violence is serious. Kaufman, In Nichols and Kaufman Attorneys at Law; We understand the seriousness of this allegation. That's why we give resources to those charged with assault. If you need legal representation; Do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer all your questions. This article is about crime. For aspects of persecution; See Assault (cake). See Assault (disambiguation) for other details.

Assault is any physical harm or unwanted physical contact or threat to a person, or an attempt to do so under certain legal definitions.

It is both a misdemeanor and a misdemeanor and therefore criminal liability; It may result in civil liability or both. In general, The common law definition is the same in criminal and tort law.

Common law legal systems have traditionally had separate definitions for assault and battery. When this distinction is made, Although assault attempts to constitute a credible threat or battery; Battery refers to actual physical contact. Some jurisdictions combine the two offenses into one crime called "assault and battery," which is commonly referred to as "assault." As a result, In many of these jurisdictions; Assault has taken on a definition that more closely matches the traditional definition of battery. Civil law legal systems and Scots law have never distinguished between assault and battery.

I've Never Told Anyone': Study Examines Why Sexual Assault Victims Remain Silent

Legal systems recognize that assaults can vary greatly in severity. In the US, assault can be charged as a misdemeanor or misdemeanor. England A common attack on it in Wales and Australia; It can be charged as actual bodily harm (ABH) or grievous bodily harm (GBH). also assaulted in Canada; There is also a three-tier system of assault causing bodily harm and aggravated assault. sexually assaulting a police officer; Separate charges are often filed for rioting and assault. It can be combined with the crime of attempted assault. For example, if it is committed with intent to kill, it can be charged as attempted murder.

In jurisdictions that distinguish between the two, assault usually comes with battery if the assailant threatens to make contact and carries out that threat. See general attack. The advantages of batteries are voluntary operation,

Is made with the intent to make harmful or inappropriate contact with another person or under circumstances that would ensure that such contact occurs;

Assault Someone

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assault smite

assault smite

Assault Smite - Assault is a 5v5 mode with one lane and no jungle. Gods are randomly assigned to each player, and the player has the option to trade with another player or re-roll the god they were given in hopes of getting a better god. The catch with all this? No backing. Once you leave your base, the only way back is to die. This means you can't instantly regain your health and mana, and you can't buy new items. Another rule for attacking is No Stacking. Items like Devourer's Gauntlet, Transcendence, and Warlock's Sash are banned. However, it is allowed to stack items that are based on kills and supports, such as Heartseeker and Hide of the Urchin.

The map layout is pretty basic. You have a Titan, a Phoenix and two Towers (A Tier 1 and Tier 2). Note that there is only one lane, so everyone will share experience and gold.

Assault Smite

Assault Smite

Setback and Farm: This is often considered "boring" but farming is important in any game, especially SMITE. All you have to do is use your abilities on the wave and then wait for the next wave under your tower. You should use this strategy if your team has a waveless and weak battle phase. If you arrive early, you can try it too.

Un Nuevo Modo De Juego Llega A Smite: Assault

Fight, fight, fight: It's all about aggression. You might have Ares and Ah Puch on your team, two gods who excel at attacking, and your opponents might not have bought gems. It's your time to strike. You'll want to start the fight early and try to advance your team before your enemy can do anything. Fighting early should be a calculated decision, if your team can't fight early, don't try. If your team loses a fight, you'll probably have to resort to the aforementioned "set back" strategy, and that's not much fun.

Balanced: This is probably the most common strategy in attack. All you do is hit the wave and fight when you can. There is no specific focus on playing safe or aggressive.

Press by all means: If your team has a good free wave, you want to abuse it. Since the attack is a file, if you push your wave under an enemy tower, their gold advantage will be greatly reduced. This is one of the best ways to get your team going, and it's what I highly recommend if you can do it. Just clear the wave before pushing your wave, and fight if you can. You will want to play more aggressively but not focus on fighting enemies. You will fight when you can, but your focus should be on riding your wave.

Die to Tower: This is the only one I'll comment on right now. Dying on the tower is better than dying to the enemy - no exceptions. If you're playing Mercury and you have 50 health and all you do is sit in the tower, just use the sonic boom to get past all the enemies and run into the enemy tower. You will refuse to sleep and return to base. If you have Decide and you have 2000 gold and you just want to spend it, die on the tower and you get back to base without negatively impacting your team.

Royal Assault Achievement In Smite

These items are often underrated by everyone, but they really work and will improve your gameplay.

Watcher's Gift gives you 4 bonus gold, 10 health and 5 mana for being in assist range of a minion, all for the low cost of 800 gold. Watcher's gives you both health and mana breaks and will ensure you keep farming. This is a great way to progress in Assault where your team will be splitting all the gold from the minions. The Watcher's Gift helps you move forward and survive, what's not to love about that? If you're playing Guardian, you can buy Heartward/Sovereignty and Watcher's Gift from the start, and that will give you a large amount of health or mana to maintain.

Odysseus's bow causes every 4th basic attack to trigger a chain bolt (most like Zeus) that deals damage on target hit and 30 damage to 4 nearby enemies +50% your physical strength. In addition to passive, Odysseus' Bow increases your attack speed by 40%, the most an item can provide. In Assault, Odysseus Bo gets much better because of the team's constant fighting. This will dramatically increase the ADC's damage output, especially if the hunter has a critical chance.

Assault Smite

These items are strong in attack, and I mean strong. You'll want your team to have at least a few of these items in any of your Assault matches.

Why Not Norse Themed Titans And Minions In New Assault (so Frustrating When Everything Is Good And You Just See This)

Sovereignty grants you 200 health and 50 physical protection, and also grants 20 magical protection and 25 HP5 to all allies within 70 units. The main part of this item is inactive. Giving cover to your teammates is great, but giving them HP5 in a situation where you can't get back to base is a game changer. Autonomy will keep you and your team alive. That's why it's great. Sovereignty should be preferred over its counterpart, Heartsword Amulet, on teams without a healer.

The heart amulet is similar to autonomy. It grants 300 health, 50 magic protection, and causes all allies within 70 units to gain 20 physical protection and 20 MP5. Heart side is more valuable in a team with a healer because maintaining the healer's mana will keep your team intact. Also, making sure your team can have mana is a huge advantage.

The Gaia Stone is designed to keep you alive and fighting. It gives you 100 health, 70 magic protection, 25 HP5, 10 MP5, and regenerates 2% of your maximum health every 5 seconds. You will always be able to fight. You will be unbeatable against magical teams. Stone of Gaia is probably the single best item in Assault, but other items like Heartsword and Sovereignty are preferred for team effects. If you have 2000 health, you will heal for 65 health every 5 seconds. If you ignore the base HP5. This is madness.

These are probably the most important activities in an attack. Meditation is generally considered "bad" and it certainly is in all other game modes. In Assault, Meditation, which restores the owner's 75% mana and 15 MP5 for 15 seconds, gives you great mana retention (surprising, right?), and Salvation gives the owner 45 MP5 for 60 seconds. and heals the owner and his companions. Mana for 35% of their maximum mana and it also heals the owner and allies for 15% of the owner's maximum health. Salvation is huge in attack, that's all. It gives health and mana, it is like a healer.

Smite Patch Notes

Chronos pendant + shoes + meditation. Meditation can be exchanged for purification beads if the enemy team has high CC. This build will basically ensure that a Mage will never run out of mana, Chronos Pendant at 25 MP5 makes a huge difference early on, and Boots just give you movement speed.

Bloodforge + Boots + Meditation + Healing Potion + Mana Potion. As with mages, meditation can be traded for purification beads if the enemy team has high CC, but if your team doesn't have an amulet that leads to the heart, I would recommend trading away from meditation. Do not recommend. This build gives you a good chunk of Strength, Lifesteal, Movement Speed, and Upkeep. This is everything a hunter looks for in a hunter.

Foreword: Warriors and guardians start out very differently and depend on how many warriors or guardians you have and what kind of protection the enemy has. And that's what I would recommend.

Assault Smite

The only difference between the two builds is that one sustains the team, while the other gives gold, health, and mana. I'll let you decide which you prefer.

Is Assault Broken?

This build will basically keep you alive forever. The downside? No opportunity for Watchers gift. I recommend starting the Stone of Gaia on the Warriors and giving the Guardian Heartward Amulet. So if you have a Guardian and a Warrior on your team, the Guardian should go to the Heart and the Warrior should get the Gaia Stone.

Both buildings provide protection. Both provide decent durability. One has the Watcher's Gift, which gives you bonus gold, and the other helps your team a bit more early on.

Iris gives strong CC on low cooldown. Having him on your team as an assistant who will want to buy team items (due to his inactivity) and who can group enemies will help you a lot.

These two do very similar things so I group them together. High AoE and ranged damage. If you have one of these gods on your team, you're already in the lead. Zeus deals insane confirmed damage while Ah Puch doesn't want to heal you or play SMITE. If you have these gods, play them, you'll be glad you did.

Fastest Penta In Assault? Nearly Under 1 Min! Yt: Playtwome

Many people love to hate Cupid, but he brings some pretty positive things to the attack. His heart

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Friday, January 13, 2023

assault skateboards

assault skateboards

Assault Skateboards - Discount vouchers will be redeemed on redemption. Not redeemable on gift card or membership purchases. Offer is non-retroactive and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Single use, only one use. Any unused portion of this dollar amount may not be used in cash, credit or subsequent transactions.

Plans shown are offers for use at checkout and do not guarantee you will be approved. Tariffs from 0-30% p.a. Payment options through Affirm are subject to eligibility checks, may not be available in all states and are offered through these lending partners: Options are subject to purchase amount and may require a down payment. Estimated payment may not include tax and shipping. California residents: Confirm Loan Services, LLC is licensed by the Department of Financial Security and Innovation. Loans may be made or arranged pursuant to California Financing Law License 60DBO-111681.

Assault Skateboards

Assault Skateboards

If you live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, we recommend curbside pickup of your order, select pickup at checkout.

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All eligible orders ship within 3-6 days. Free Economy Ground Shipping is available to the contiguous lower 48 states only (AK, HI, excludes international orders, PO Box and APO addresses and all oversized items such as bicycles, wakesurfers, surfboards, paddleboards, trampolines and car racks).

1:00 p.m. Until the order is placed. Ships same day CST. Orders placed on weekends or holidays will be shipped the next business day. If billing and shipping address are different, please allow 1 extra day for delivery. 2-day shipping is available to the contiguous lower 48 states only (AK, HI, international orders, excluding PO boxes and APO addresses and excludes all oversized items such as bicycles, wakesurfers, surfboards, paddleboards, trampolines and car racks).

If you choose 2-day shipping (ground or air), you will receive your tracking number by 10pm (Central Time) the day after you place your order. If you place your order on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, your tracking number will be available by 10pm Central Time on Monday.

1:00 p.m. Until the order is placed. Ships same day CST. Orders placed on weekends or holidays will be shipped the next business day. Next day shipping is only available in the contiguous lower 48 states (AK, HI, international orders, excluding PO boxes and APO addresses and excludes all oversized items such as bicycles, wakesurfers, surfboards, paddleboards, trampolines and car racks).

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A number of items require special transport and handling due to their large size. Some examples are bicycles, wakesurfers, surfboards, paddleboards, kayaks, water trampolines, and car racks.

3. Delivery confirmation email with tracking number after order shipped. Please note: Economy orders may take longer to process during peak season (November to January).

Because assembly is done by hand and made to order, your new bike can take 6-8 business days to complete and ship.

Assault Skateboards

Our bike kits are here to help you maximize your riding time for just $99. Just tighten the handlebars, mount the front wheel, pedals and go! This process is carefully carried out by experienced professional technicians, and your bike will not only last longer, but most importantly, it will be covered by any manufacturer's warranty.

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Our team of certified technicians will take the time to fine-tune your bike so you don't have to. During this process, our technicians go through each bearing component to ensure a strong, smooth ride from the first revolution of the crank. The wheels are then individually removed for the drilling process. Ensuring wheel fit is key to extending the life of your rims and ultimately your entire bike. Once this is done, the rear wheel is carefully installed to ensure that the chain is properly tensioned and the bike's idler wheel is in the correct working position. The brakes are then adjusted and tested for reliable stopping power. During assembly, your bike undergoes rigorous quality control to ensure it meets our and your high standards.

For transport, the handlebars and front wheel are removed, hand-rolled and stuffed with your bike frame to ensure safe transport. Because assembly is done by hand and made to order, your new bike can take 6-8 business days to complete and ship. *Any accessories included with the bike such as pedals, computer, fenders or racks will not be installed prior to shipment. Accessories may be damaged during shipping and must be installed by the customer when the package is delivered to the final destination.

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Assault Skateboards

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assault smg

assault smg

Assault Smg - The Assault SMG is a weapon in the Machine Guns class found in Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online.

Attack SMG design based on real life Magpul PDR, P90, F2000. The in-game version of this weapon was created by Vom Feuer.

Assault Smg

Assault Smg

In GTA V's Story Mode, the Assault SMG is available for free from Ammu-Bansa, if all players have accounts linked in Rockstar Social Club.

Smg, Gold, Alex Senechal, Gun, Futuristic, Weapon, Black Background, 3d

Assault SMG Description: A high-powered submachine gun that is both compact and lightweight. Holds up to 30 rounds in a magazine.

How to Unlock Available for free in GTA 5 Story Mode, exclusive to Rockstar Social Club members

Assault SMG: Appears in other games Grand Theft Auto V Assault SMG Grand Theft Auto IV Assault SMG

Websites need a lot of work and time, so that's why we have to rely on advertising. In addition, we have created a VIP Membership that allows you to browse the site without ads and get some extra features for a small price.

Firearms Bullpup Rifle.weapons Guns.set Submachine Gun Modern Assault Stock Vector Image & Art

By becoming a VIP Member, you support our work and allow us to create better features and content for you.

We are looking for new employees who have a passion for GTA and Rockstar Games and are willing to contribute in any area of ​​the web. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us! The QCW-05 (pinyin: Qīng wǔqì Chōngfēng Wēishēng 05; lit. 'Light, offensive, suppressive weapon 05', also known as the Type 05 submachine gun) is a bullpup submachine gun developed by the Liberation Army. People's China (PLA) production and development. ) in 208 Chongqing Jianshe Industry Corporation and Research Institute (Corporation) of South China Industry Group for the People's Liberation Army, Special Operations Forces of the People's Liberation Army, and the Police. People's Armed Forces. This weapon is designed for 5.8×21mm DCV05

In October 2001, Jianshe Industries Corporation (owned by China South Industry Corporation) won the tender to produce the next generation of PLA submachine guns to replace the Type 79 and Type 79 submachine guns. 85, beat other competitors like. Changfg CF-05 due to its ease of construction and operation. At the 2005 International Police Equipment Exhibition in Beijing, Jianshe unveiled its final product, a bullpup, blowback, op bolt submachine gun that resembles the QBZ-95 assault rifle in appearance. designated as QCW-05.

Assault Smg

At the 2006 MILIPOL Show, a small police and export version of the QCW-05 called 'Jianshe JS 9mm', a submachine gun with an exhaust pipe, was presented to the public. The 'JS 9mm' is housed in the popular 9×19mm Parabellum caliber chamber. The QCW-05 is intended as the PLA's personal defense weapon for personnel in non-combat roles such as vehicle and aircrew crews, who are typically assigned to places where assault rifles are not available. public is completely underpowered and by special operations units like the People. Special Forces of the Liberation Army and People's Armed Police.

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The QCW-05 is an op-bolt bullpup submachine gun with full automatic or semi-automatic firing capability. The QCW-05's light weight can be attributed to the receiver's small aluminum and polymer construction, which also helps in itself towards faster mass production. It has a low rate of fire to maintain control, a feature the PLA emphasized from the outset for a light weapon such as a submachine gun. There is a thumb firing mode selector on the left side of the weapon just above the grip with positions for semi-automatic (1), full auto (2) and safe (0) and a gate Launch on the right side of the weapon. . A cylindrical silencer with a removable metal screw is attached to the barrel.

The use of 5.8 × 21mm DV05 subsonic ammunition reduces the QCW-05's muzzle velocity to about 150 m/s and gives the submachine gun an effective range of 50 meters, which is considered sufficient for a submachine gun. silencer weapon. Ammunition was loaded from a fifty-round split, four-column, double-stack cartridge (another early PLA requirement) in the rear of the submachine gun.

Since the QCW-05 is designed for general military use rather than just being used in a specific role, suppressors can be an obstacle when the situation calls for an emphasis on performance or size. of the weapon rather than its noise reduction. whether the suppressor is removable or, in the case of the QCQ-05 variant, not at all.

After removing the suppressor, the QCW-05 is essentially the same as the QCQ-05 and can also fire DAP92 ammunition. The QCW-05 shares common characteristics of bullpup weapons in that it is not optimal to fire from the left shoulder due to the position of the launch port and its distance to the face of the operator being shot.

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The QCW-05 is a slightly smaller, slightly different version designed for police use and export abroad. The JS 9mm is loaded with a 9×19mm Parabellum cartridge and it also uses the same 30-round magazine used by the famous Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun. Another notable difference is that the JS 9mm does not have a carry handle, instead can attach a picatinny rail at the top.

QCQ-05 (Chinese: 轻型冲锋滑, 2005; pinyin: Qīngxíng Chōngfēng Qiāng, 2005; lit. 'Light Assault Gun, 2005') (officially translated in pinyin as Qiang Qīngfēng Chongfēng, literally 'Guns' light assault, 2005') ) variant QCW-05 has no suppressor and can use either a 5.8×21mm DCV05 subsonic pistol cartridge or a 5.8×21mm DAP92 pistol cartridge also used with pistol QSZ-92.

Although the QCQ-05 does not come with a suppressor, the QCW-05 can still be attached and removed from the QCQ-05.

Assault Smg

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assault shotgun re1

assault shotgun re1

Assault Shotgun Re1 - This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2022)

The W870 TAC Rifle is a rifle found when leaving House Beneviento and searching a nearby group of houses that were previously inaccessible due to vines.

Assault Shotgun Re1

Assault Shotgun Re1

The W870 TAC is a hunting rifle - the weapon can be upgraded with the W870 TAC - Foregrip and W870 TAC - Upgraded Gunstock special parts. The main advantage of the weapon is that it is widespread, making it ideal for battlegroups, although its poor range will cause damage at any distance unless it is greatly enhanced.

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Assault Shotgun Re1

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No description needed, watch the video. amazing detail. Mod Features: 1. Visual Changes - The best and most realistic Reshade & ENB configuration included to provide perfect color balance to bring a new game mood for GTA V. - Change ...

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lake aircraft

lake aircraft

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Whether you're an aircraft manufacturer or an enthusiast with deep pockets and a desire to bring FAA-certified, aircraft-hung amphibians back into production, Brian Foley is speaking.

Lake Aircraft

Lake Aircraft

Foley is an aviation consultant and analyst whose work includes various roles for major aerospace manufacturers, and since 2006, as an entrepreneur. He recently built a new aircraft dealership. Package deals that include not just individual aircraft, but type certificates and equipment.

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It began with the Meyers Interceptor 400 and Meyers 200, a piston version that shared an airframe with the turboprop-powered interceptor. Likened by Foley to a Cirrus piston unit with retractable gear, the Meyers design has a history that includes screen time in a James Bond film. Foley said there have been some nibbles on the line since Meyers Design began marketing in late 2019, but no deal has been made yet. His work with the owner of such a collection of documents and equipment led to a discussion of the Amphibian Lake, a decidedly less obscure model with 1,300 different species already produced.

Foley said he called the current owner of Lake Amphibian (the last Lake Amphibian was produced in 2015) for advice on how to market the Myers package and learned that the owner was also willing to relocate the "wallet." company or individual. "He's in his mid-80s now," Foley said, and "he's not as motivated" as he once was to build airplanes.

The Lake Amphibian package includes everything needed to build it but real estate and people, and each buyer will interact with company employees who are highly experienced and able to land a new company for support. The production line is running. Foley said that unlike Myers, the letter package does not have an asking price.

"I recommend everything," Foley said. "What I think is a fair sale price may be higher or lower than what the owner thinks."

Aircraft Photo Of Vh Etw

The original Lake Amphibian was the brainchild of designers from Republic Aircraft and the Grumman Corporation, which drastically changed the flying boat theme. They started with the C-1 Skimmer, a two-seat, 150-horsepower aircraft that was the first to be certified, followed by the C-2 (with 180 hp), and later the Buccaneer, the six-seat Renegade, Sephori. . , and Seawolf, which was designed for military and government missions. These lake amphibian types remain on the very short list of single-engine flying boats certified under FAR Part 23.

"Compared to the photo (A5), it's not a light sport," Foley said, noting that the 1,300 lake amphibians produced so far have seen service in 40 countries around the world. It's a proven design that fills a niche that few others can touch, and it also lends itself to the emerging market of urban air mobility. He provided a pitch for anyone to think along these lines. (That said, the same is true of motors, which can be relatively easily integrated with electric power.)

Foley's investment advisory firm AvStrategies has become somewhat of a go-to for those looking to sell type certificates along with equipment and other assets, a package deal that could bring the mothballed planes back into production. Foley said he hadn't planned it that way, but now that word is around he'd be happy to talk to others. He also works with a kit plane manufacturer who sells a similar package including aircraft design and tooling. What he wasn't ready to say, however: "If a qualified prospect is interested, we'll sign them to an NDA," Foley said, referring to the nondisclosure agreement.

Lake Aircraft

Foley, who spent years working for Boeing and Dassault Falcon, said the market value of aircraft production packages (type certificates and equipment) is largely unknown because details of such transactions have historically not been made public. It's like trying to price a house for sale when there are no comparable transactions.

French Tourists On Plane That Crashed Into Lake Powell, Killing 2

Foley estimates that it would cost $100 million or more to prove a new clean sheet design in today's market, so the proposed Lake and Meyers packages are comparable to that standard, but he remains tight-lipped on the question of price.

"I know you're looking for a number, but you know, it's a 'suggestion,'" Foley said. "It depends on the value the customer sees."

Digital Media Managing Director Jim Moore joined in 2011 and is an instrument-level private pilot, as well as a certified remote pilot, who enjoys competitive aerobatics and flying drones. Ever wanted to own an airline company? Revo Inc. Now may be your chance to have them for sale at Kissimmee, Florida-based Lake Aircraft. Lake Aircraft has been manufacturing single-engine amphibious aircraft in the United States since the late 1950s, flying more than 1,300 aircraft in more than 50 countries.

Most of his aircraft sales over the past four decades have come from word-of-mouth referrals. Now 84 and looking to plan for retirement, Rivard said, "We've had a lot of calls, mostly about a six-seat Renegade, but there's no way to build them right now." The recently announced asset sale includes all intellectual property and equipment needed to build the Lake Renegade, Seafari and Seawolf aircraft.

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After more than 40 years of ownership, says Rivard, "the sale of Lake Aircraft is a rare opportunity to quickly reorganize production operations and continue to produce a successful line of amphibious aircraft. Do," using the manufacturing process as a stepping stone. to scale to larger and more complex planes.

He also said he hopes to sell the company's assets to a domestic buyer, saying it will take some time to explain some of the difficult situations he has experienced with previous investors. Lake struck a deal with an undisclosed Chinese financial backer in 2015 to invest in a new facility in Colorado and restart the Lake line. "It took eight to nine months to work out the details," Rivard said. Everything was going well until the current backers got into trouble with Beijing which made it impossible for them to get money out of China and a deal was struck. He recalled a previous frustration with another Chinese supporter that became impossible when "the AVIC guys reverse engineered one of our planes."

Intrepid buyers may wonder why data published by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association hasn't shown a single Lake aircraft since the association began publishing records online in 2000. Because, "I will never engage with them."

Lake Aircraft

Purchases of current Lake assets ( include FAA type certificate (#1A13), international manufacturing and marketing rights, parts and assembly tools, dies, jigs and engineering drawings for all Lake amphibian aircraft. A team of letter experts will also be available to help with shipping and product continuity. The Colonial C-1 Skimmer was developed by Colonial Airlines in the United States, the prototype first flew on 17 July 1948. The three-seat amphibian was powered by a 93 kw (125 hp) Lycoming O-290-D engine, and received its type certification on 19 September 1955. Development tests revealed that the prototype was slightly less powerful than that fitted to the production aircraft. 112 kw (150 hp) Lycoming O-320-A1A engine.

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In 1957 the C-1 was joined on the production line by the C-2 model, equipped with a 134 kw (180 hp) Lycoming O-360-A1A engine. An improved version known as the Skimmer IV later appeared. In 1959, the production rights were acquired by Lake Aircraft Corporation, and later, in 1962, Consolidated Aeronautics merged with Lake Aircraft Corporation of Sanford, Maine, which operated as a division of Lake Aircraft.

The prototype LA-4 first flew in November 1959, and the first production aircraft flew in April 1960. It was similar to the C-2 but had a wingspan of 1.22 m (4 ft), 0.3 m span. (1 ft) added to the aileron length, and the bow was 0.43 m (1 ft 5 in) longer. Also, the wing-to-fuselage attachment was modified, gross weight increased, and structural strength was added.

Type approval was received on 1 June 1960. While the LA-4 was fitted with a 134 kw (180 hp) Lycoming engine, an improved version appeared in the 1970s with a 149 kw (200 hp) Lycoming fuel-injected engine. The previous model was known as the LA-4-180, and the new model was the LA-4-200 Buccaneer. It had a top speed of 22 km/h (14 mph), a cruising speed of 19 km/h (12 mph), and a loaded weight of 91 kg (200 lb). Standard fuel capacity was 151.4 liters (33.3 Imp gals) but auxiliary tanks could be fitted on the wing floats, 28 liters (6 Imp gals).

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